1231st Tandem English Monday meeting. Thanks to Grzegorz for his help. The next meeting is on Monday 19th of August. New members can subscribe at the official website. The link is tandeminternational.waw.pl
The arrest of Pavel Durov, founder of Telegram is a proof that Telegram is the only social media platform where free speech is still a right. We haven't seen so far the Ceos of weapons manufacturers arrested for complicity with the use their customers and purchasers in mass murder called wars. As a little step for a man and a big step for humanity we are exiting all social media platforms starting from Facebook and WhatsApp. It's going to take some time to fully detox but we will slowly make it. More concretely we have already deleted a lot of groups and content and invite all members to follow suit and disconnect your lives from the Big Brothers. Tandem members as a reference have the official website and of course our Telegram channel.
The job files have been updated at https://tandeminternational.waw.pl/jobs/ The files help Expats to search faster several ads for jobs with your favourite language.
index of jobs for foreigners in Warsaw
Tandem Warsaw International Community job files help Erasmus students, professionals, Tourists and local Poles, foreigners and locals living in Warsaw to search faster for a job in Warsaw and in other towns of Poland networking together to start working in…
We can confirm from several hints our small tests have given that there is a strong discrepancy between the profiles following our pages and groups on social media, Telegram, subscribing at the official website and people attending the meetings. Statistics look completely inconsistent with online traffic expecially on social media and we can deem such traffic as 99% fake even if non necessarily platform generated. Since we cannot measure in a reliable way and neither filter unsolicited fake traffic we have stopped any advertising activity on social media and we will completely abandon publication of content and remove groups and pages progressively. Given the reduced real activity and real subscriptions at the official website we have already reduced the frequency of the meetings and the offer in general of our free activities until better times come and when we will be able to verify the real source of our participants that currently seem to pop up randomly and not related to our efforts to spread knowledge of our existence. We will keep updating the Telegram channel and the official website and we are keeping exploring censorship-proof and cryptografically unbreakable options available not to rely on platforms that betray their users and above of all admit their full lack of transparency about their guilt of bowing to the dictatorial pressures received. Good night Gateloosers spying on us. Your time is already past weather you acknowledge that or not. And you already belong to the dust-bin of history.
The jobs files have been updated on the official website. All the jobs ads for all languages. If you are an Expat looking for a job in Warsaw or Poland for native speakers, the job files will help you to screen hundreds of ads in a very short time. The link is in the comments. Copy and paste it or digit it directly in your browser bar. This platform may have modified the link when you directly click on it.
Should you care about privacy and freedom of speech? Yes you should and above all you should practise with technological tools available and updates and new tools. You don't necessarily have to care that any government including yours has the ability to blow you with your smarttv, smartwatch, smartphone, electric car and all other smart thing connected with the internet or a satellite. You most probably will never be smart enough to be of any interest. But manipulating you, your mind and your opinions with censorship is very useful. They need your vote to be as dumb as possible. One way is to suppress any alternative point of view so that you can only find one point of view. Companies are vulnerable because to make a profit they need to be based on a client-server architecture so there will be always a server easy to find and shutdown. You can consider Telegram already domesticated. The only way to publish content that cannot be suppressed is to use a decentralized network where no central server exist. Pioneers in the field were freenet, i2p and later Tor. Nowdays other networks already exist. We will mention Element and Session that are available also as smartphone apps. Do not expect to find big crowds there. Common people are too unaware about the topic. Also note that guaranteeing that a content cannot be suppressed is a different goal than the anonimity of the publisher.
Tandem is in the Matrix network. Move to Element app and group #tandemwarsaw:matrix.org
A Matrix account to access from the web can be created and used at https://app.element.io/